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South With Endurance




Motion Graphics


Book Trailer


Main Designer


South with Endurance is a collection of photographs taken by Frank Hurley the photographer in Shackleton's expedition to the South Pole. These photos were put together in a beautiful coffee book format. The project was to create a trailer promoting the book. 

For this project, I wanted to bring the photos to life. with this in mind, I picked the photos that best represented these men and the struggles they faced during their ordeal. I started by creating a storyboard establishing the main shots of the trailer. Once those were established. I took Hurley's photos and, using Photoshop, I divided each photo into three planes, background, middle ground, and foreground. Using After Effects, I used the camera to navigate within the planes to submerge the viewer into these men's experiences. For the audio, I chose as soundtrack that was epic and emotional. The overall result was a moving introduction of this photo book's fascinating visual story. 

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